3. Forex Megadroid

Forex Megadroid was launched by Albert Perrie and John Grace on 31 March 2009 and the buzz around this product launch was almost as big as the Fap Turbo launch last year. According to the creators, Forex Megadroid uses a new technique called RCPTA (Reverse Correlated Price and Time Analysis) and they guarantee that every single dollar you deposit into your Forex account will be at least quadrupled.

Another unique feature about Forex Megadroid is the built in broker protection feature. It is common knowledge that many Metatrader brokers trade against their clients and together with things like high spreads, offquote errors and slippage it has become very difficult for a trading robot to consistently make a profit. Forex Megadroid is the first robot ever to be released with a broker protection or anti-broker mechanism.

Does Forex Megadroid work under any market conditions with a 95% success rate as advertised? It is still too early to give a definitive answer to that, but since installing Forex Megadroid it has made 7 winning trades in a row in my demo account, so this robot shows promise and is definitely worth checking out.


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